
This standards compliant, fixed width website template is released as an 'open source' design (under a ), which means that you are free to use it for anything you want (including modifying and amending it). All I ask is that you leave the 'design from css3templates.co.uk' link in the footer of the template.

The template uses a lavalamp menu (based on jQuery) from . All of the images were shot by me - use as you wish.


现在有这么一批可爱的创业者,兢兢业业,不眠不休地追求某项伟大的事业,而我现在却要在这项事业上面挂一个价签,而且尽可能让这个价签上的数字越小越好,而且还不能让谈判桌对面的人感到反感,因为毕竟我们在接下来五年甚至十年的时间里还要共事……  所有这一切内容的出发点,在我看来,只是为了能够争取到更高的利润。

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